1. The concept of the Clean Architecture could be somewhat nebulous for many of us as we learn structures such as MVC, MVP, MVVM, etc. Therefore, I read, studied, and contemplated trying to apprehend the concept better. Today, let me share my findings with quotes from Robert C. Martin.

  2. When we think about MVVM, the first thing that comes to our mind about the job of ViewModel is to fetch data from a model layer. I did some research on how to make the best use of ViewModel and encountered Architecture related classes such as Transformations and LiveData builder. Today, let me introduce some use cases of them with the app that calls TwitterAPI.

  3. The default look of the Mac Terminal and Linux Shell is simply black and white. So, let's make it a bit prettier and easier to read today.

  4. This article is about testing Firebase Cloud Functions on your local machine. Setting up the local testing environment is as easy as deploying Cloud Functions.

  5. Firebase is a great tool for sending push messages. This is an example of simple serverless integration of push messages on Cloud Functions. We will use Firestore for the DB over Realtime Database this time.

  6. First Rule of Thumb written and recorded by Nashville's top session guitarist Brent Mason. This is such a fun tune to play with the old-school rag feel and catchy melodies.

  7. This is the main theme from the movie October Sky arranged for a solo guitar. Though the original version is an epic orchestra arrangement, you can enjoy the subtle beauty of the melodies on a solo guitar.

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